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Apr 16, 2023
Hyde Park Presidents Football and Cheer clinics @ FDR Stadium Field (TBD) Boys basketball clinic @ FDR HS A/B Gym (9:00 AM) Cheerleading clinics @ FDR HS A/B Gym (3:00 PM)
Apr 17, 2023
Wrestling open mats @ Haviland MS C Gym (TBD) Cheerleading clinics @ Haviland MS A gym (3:00 PM) (B) V Baseball v. Saugerties (4:15 PM) (G) V Softball v. Saugerties (4:15 PM) (G) V Golf v. Red Hook (4:15 PM) Hyde Park: Dinsmore Golf Course (B) V Lacrosse @ Washingtonville (4:30 PM) (G) V Lacrosse v. Wallkill (5:00 PM) Boys basketball clinics @ FDR HS A/B Gym (7:00 PM)
Apr 18, 2023
(B) JV Baseball @ Saugerties (4:15 PM) (B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Kingston (4:15 PM) (G) V Golf @ Our Lady of Lourdes (4:15 PM) (G) V Outdoor Track v. Rondout Valley (4:15 PM) (G) 7/8TH Softball @ Kingston (4:15 PM) (B) V Tennis v. TBD (4:15 PM) (B) V Outdoor Track v. Rondout Valley (4:15 PM) Hyde Park Lacrosse Club Practices @ FDR lower JV soccer Field (5:45 PM) Boys basketball clinics @ FDR HS A/B Gym (7:00 PM)
Apr 19, 2023
(G) V Golf @ Beacon (3:30 PM) (B) JV Baseball @ Our Lady of Lourdes (4:00 PM) (G) V Softball @ TBD (4:15 PM) (G) V Softball @ Our Lady of Lourdes (4:15 PM) (B) V Tennis @ TBD (4:15 PM) (G) V Lacrosse v. Warwick Valley (4:30 PM) (B) V Baseball @ Our Lady of Lourdes (7:00 PM) POSTPONED: (B) V Lacrosse v. Red Hook (7:00 PM)
Apr 20, 2023
(G) V Softball v. Marlboro (3:30 PM) (B) V Baseball v. Marlboro (3:30 PM) (G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track v. Saugerties (4:15 PM) (G) JV Softball @ Marlboro (4:15 PM) (B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track v. Saugerties (4:15 PM) Hyde Park Lacrosse Club Practices @ FDR lower JV soccer Field (5:45 PM)
Apr 21, 2023
(B) JV Baseball v. Marlboro (4:15 PM)
Apr 22, 2023
(B) V Baseball @ Beacon (9:00 AM) (G) V Softball v. TBD (9:00 AM) (G) V Outdoor Track @ Rondout Valley (10:00 AM) (B) V Outdoor Track @ Rondout Valley (10:00 AM) (B) V Baseball @ Beacon (12:00 PM)