Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Newfield, Windsor @ Watkins Glen

General information

Date Dec 30, 2021
Start time 3:00 PM
End time 6:00 PM
Location W G Field House Gym
Sport Basketball (Boys)

Transportation information
of Spencer-Van Etten

Bus company/driver Spencer Van-Etten
Class dismissal time
Departure point S-VE HS
Departure date
Departure time 1:45 PM
Return Date
Return time

W G Field House Gym


Spectator Protocols - Masks must be worn at all times while in the building Live Streaming will take place through NFHS Subscription 3:00pm (JV) Consolation (home & away TBD) 4:30pm (JV) Championship (home & away TBD) 6:00pm (Varsity) Consolation (home & away TBD) 7:30pm (Varsity) Championship (home & away TBD) Admission Adults $5.00/Day or $8.00 both days Admission Students $3.00/Day or $5.00 both days